en.DirectXError=KaraFun needs Direct-X v9.0 or better.%nDownload it from Microsoft web site for free.%nInstall DirectX before running the KaraFun installation program.
en.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editor
fr.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
fr.AdditionalIcons=Ic⌠nes supplΘmentaires :
fr.CreateDesktopIcon=CrΘer une ic⌠ne sur le &Bureau
fr.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=CrΘer une ic⌠ne dans la barre de &Lancement rapide
fr.ProgramOnTheWeb=Page d'accueil de %1
fr.UninstallProgram=DΘsinstallation de %1
fr.LaunchProgram=ExΘcuter %1
fr.AssocFileExtension=&Associer %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2
fr.AssocingFileExtension=Associe %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2...
fr.DirectXError=KaraFun nΘcessite au minimum la version 9.0 de DirectX.%nTΘlΘchargez gratuitement la derniΦre version de DirectX sur le site web de Microsoft.%nInstallez DirectX avant de relancer le programme d'installation de KaraFun.
fr.KaraFunEditor=Editeur KaraFun
de.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
de.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
de.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
de.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
de.NameAndVersion=%1 Version %2
de.AdditionalIcons=ZusΣtzliche Icons:
de.CreateDesktopIcon=Desktop Icon erstellen
de.UninstallProgram=%1 deinstallieren
de.LaunchProgram=%1 starten
de.AdditionalDownloads=ZusΣtzliche Downloads:
de.DownloadSongExample=Beispieldatei 'When The Saints Go Marchin In' downloaden
de.DirectXError=KaraFun ben÷tigt Direct-X v9.0 oder h÷her.%nKostenloser Download von Microsoft's Website.%nDirectX installieren ehe das Karafun Installationsprogramm ausgefⁿhrt wird.
de.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editor
de.MiscProperties=Sonstige Eigenschaften
de.InternetCheck=Automatisch nach Updates suchen
it.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
it.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
it.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
it.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
it.NameAndVersion=%1 versione %2
it.LaunchProgram=Esegui %1
it.AdditionalDownloads=Scarrica addizionale :
it.DownloadSongExample=Scarrica il file esempio 'When The Saints Go Marchin in'
it.DownloadDemoSong=Scarrica il file 'KaraFun Trailer (My Way)'
it.DirectXError=KaraFun ha bisogno della DIRECT-X 9.0 o superiore.%nPotete scaricarla dal Sito della Microsoft.%nInstallare la Direct-X prima di installare KaraFun.
it.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editore
it.MiscProperties=Propietα misc.
it.InternetCheck=Cerca automaticamente per aggiornamenti
dn.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
dn.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
dn.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
dn.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
dn.CreateDesktopIcon=Opret en &genvej pσ skrivebordet
dn.UninstallProgram=%1 Afinstaller
dn.DirectXError=KaraFun krµver Direct-X v9.0 eller nyere.%nDownload den pσ Microsofts web site gratis.%nInstallΘr DirectX F╪R du starter KaraFun installations programmet.
dn.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editor
dn.MiscProperties=Div. egenskaber
dn.InternetCheck=Check automatisk for opdateringer
sp.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
sp.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
sp.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
sp.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
sp.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
sp.AdditionalIcons=Iconos adicionales:
sp.CreateDesktopIcon=Crear icono en el &escritorio
sp.UninstallProgram=Desinstalar %1
sp.LaunchProgram=Lanzando instalaci≤n %1
sp.AdditionalDownloads=Descargas adicionales :
sp.DownloadSongExample=Descargando el archivo de ejemplo 'When The Saints Go Marchin In'
sp.DownloadDemoSong=Descargando el archivo 'KaraFun Trailer (My Way)'
sp.DownloadSongBamba=Descargando el archivo 'La Bamba'
sp.DirectXError=KaraFun necesita Direct-X v9.0 o superior.%nPuedes descargalo gratuitamente desde la Web de Microsoft.%nInstala DirectX antes de comenzar con el programa de instalaci≤n de KaraFun.
se.DirectXError=KaraFun beh÷ver Direct-X v9.0 eller bΣttre.%nHΣmta det gratis frσn Microsoft's hemsida.%nInstallera DirectX innan du startar KaraFun's installations program.
se.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Redigerare
se.MiscProperties=Div. egenskaper
se.InternetCheck=S÷k automatiskt efter uppdateringar
br.NameAndVersion=%1 versπo %2
br.AdditionalIcons=═cones adicionais:
br.CreateDesktopIcon=Criar φcone no &Ambiente de Trabalho
br.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Criar φcone na barra de Iniciaτπo &Rßpida
br.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 na Web
br.UninstallProgram=Desinstalar o %1
br.LaunchProgram=Executar o %1
br.AssocFileExtension=&Associar o %1 aos ficheiros com a extensπo %2
br.AssocingFileExtension=A associar o %1 aos ficheiros com a extensπo %2...
br.AdditionalDownloads=Downloads adicionais :
br.DownloadSongExample=Download o arquivo de demostraτπo 'When The Saints Go Marchin In'
br.DownloadDemoSong=Download o arquivo 'KaraFun Trailer (My Way)'
br.DownloadSongBamba=Download o arquivo 'La Bamba'
br.DirectXError=KaraFun precisa de Direct-X v9.0 ou melhor.%nAbaixß-lo do site de Microsoft gratuitamente. %nInstale DirectX antes de executar o programa de instalaτπo de KaraFun.
ne.DirectXError=KaraFun heeft Direct-X v9.0 of hoger nodig.%nDownload deze gratis van de Microsoft website.%nInstalleer DirectX voor het instaleren van het KaraFun instalatieprogramma.
ne.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Bewerker
ne.MiscProperties=Misc. eigenschappen
ne.InternetCheck=Kijk automatisch voor update
cr.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
cr.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
cr.NameAndVersion=%1 verzija %2
cr.AdditionalIcons=Dodatne ikone:
cr.CreateDesktopIcon=Kreiraj ikonu na radnoj povr╣ini
cr.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Kreiraj ikonu u alatnu traku 'Brzo pokretanje'
cr.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 na stranici
cr.UninstallProgram=Deinstalacija %1
cr.LaunchProgram=OtpoΦni %1
cr.AdditionalDownloads=Dodatno preuzimanje :
cr.DownloadSongExample=Preuzmi pjesmu'When The Saints Go Marchin In'kao primjer
cr.DirectXError=KaraFun-u je potreban Direct-X v9.0 ili novija verzija.%nPreuzmi sa Microsoft-ovih web stranica besplatno.%nInstaliraj DirectX prije pokretanja KaraFun instalacijskog programa.
cr.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editor
cr.MiscProperties=Dodatna svojstva
cr.InternetCheck=Provjeri automatski novu verziju
pl.NameAndVersion=%1 wersja %2
pl.AdditionalIcons=Dodatkowe ikony:
pl.CreateDesktopIcon=Utw≤rz ikonΩ na &pulpicie
pl.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Utw≤rz ikonΩ na pasku &szybkiego uruchamiania
pl.ProgramOnTheWeb=Strona WWW programu %1
pl.UninstallProgram=Deinstalacja programu %1
pl.LaunchProgram=Uruchom program %1
pl.AssocFileExtension=&Przypisz program %1 do rozszerzenia pliku %2
pl.AssocingFileExtension=Przypisywanie programu %1 do rozszerzenia pliku %2...
pl.AdditionalDownloads=Dodatkowe pobieranie :
pl.DownloadSongExample=Pobierz karaoke 'When The Saints Go Marchin In' (odblokowane)
pl.VisitVersionKaraokeWeb=Odwiedz' www.karaoke-version.com (aby pobrac' utwory KFN)
pl.DirectXError=KaraFun wymaga Direct-X v9.0 lub nowszego.%nMoz.esz go pobrac' za darmo ze strony Microsoft-u.%nZainstaluj DirectX przed instalacja; KaraFun.
vt.DirectXError=KaraFun needs Direct-X v9.0 or better.%nDownload it from Microsoft web site for free.%nInstall DirectX before running the KaraFun installation program.
vt.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editor
sl.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
sl.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:
sl.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon
sl.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
sl.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
sl.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
sl.LaunchProgram=Launch %1
sl.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
sl.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
sl.AdditionalDownloads=Additional downloads :
sl.DownloadSongExample=Download the karaoke 'When The Saints Go Marchin In' (unlocked)
sl.DirectXError=KaraFun needs Direct-X v9.0 or better.%nDownload it from Microsoft web site for free.%nInstall DirectX before running the KaraFun installation program.
sl.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editor
uk.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
uk.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:
uk.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon
uk.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
uk.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
uk.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
uk.LaunchProgram=Launch %1
uk.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
uk.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
uk.AdditionalDownloads=╟αΓαφ≥αµΦ≥Φ ΣεΣα≥ΩεΓε:
uk.DownloadSongExample=╟αΓαφ≥αµΦ≥Φ Ωα≡αεΩσ "When The Saints Go Marchin In" (≡ετßδεΩεΓαφΦΘ)
cs.DirectXError=KaraFun needs Direct-X v9.0 or better.%nDownload it from Microsoft web site for free.%nInstall DirectX before running the KaraFun installation program.
cs.KaraFunEditor=KaraFun Editor
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